BRC Belgrade Running Club
The group of trained enthusiasts decided to unify their rich offer and create a memorable visual style that will make it instantly clear – BRC is in the house, lets RUN.
Belgrade Running Club existed under different names, each covering a specific course, and under different logotypes, for years.
The logo had to be bold and dynamic, intersected with lines depicting roads. The mark had to be unmistakably linked to a city where it all happens – the famous statue of Victor shown through hand drawn illustrations, statue caught in a moment of movement.
They’ve decided to build a hub on the Sava river boardwalk, in vicinity to the running track, that will gather all the running lovers, now having a place to train, chat, drink squeezed juices and spread the culture.
The slogan “We run this together” was created to gather the community under a shared feeling of belonging, of the same goals, while keeping in mind that each person is monitored and guided by a dedicated professional.